Since college I have been doing freelance web design for many various businesses, organizations, and individuals. Please feel free to visit some sites that I’ve made.
I’ve also started my own business called Delusional Designs and Azunga Marketing where I design and manage web sites as well as create custom logos for any client. Please visit either web site for more info.
If you’ve checked out the links page yet then you have seen many various links to a broad range of interests. I enjoy live music where ever I can soak it up as well as rock climbing when I get the chance. I’ve climbed a few cool places around the northeast but there’s plenty more I need to visit. I also have been known to take a hike or go camping.
Just recently, as you’ve hopefully seen on my blog, I’ve moved to Portland, OR. It’s a great city and has tons to offer. The food is amazing, the cost of living is cheaper then Burlington, and the people are great. Being a city of 2 or so million people, there is plenty to do and see. Recently I’ve been known to save some dough and visit many of the various happy hours around the city. It’s cheap and a good way to experience many different restaurants.
Keep a look out on my blog to see what I’m up to and feel free to get at me with any comments or thoughts you might have. Have fun!